Every December we all get several invitations in the mail to different events...church parties, gift exchanges, end of the year giving fundraisers and couples celebrations. This year I was honored to be invited to a Christmas tea. The invitation was simple. It asked us to step away from the stress and hussle and bussle of the season and join a few ladies for tea. A simple request. Not easily done.
If I were to be honest, I would say I dragged my feet about going. I drag my feet about going to lots of holiday events. It's the wallflower in me. All morning I worried about going to this party. I was afraid I would feel inferior in my clothing choice. I fretted that my hair would not "do" or my shy personality would not be a good fit. I was afraid to mingle. In truth, I was afraid of not fitting in and sitting alone feeling left out of friendly conversations. God knew.
The moment I walked in the door of this sweet home, I had the most welcomed feeling. It was warm and cozy. The hostess, Jill, greeted me with a hug and an I am so glad you came. There were round tables set with the most lovely tea services. My grandmother would have loved to have been there. At the tables women were already seated, chatting and grazing on the delicious tea cakes. Jill pointed out my seat and it was in between the dearest of friends at a table with several women I have never met before. There were conversation starters for us, beautiful tea bags and such yummy treats to choose from. Not once did my inferiority take a hold of me. I felt like I belonged there. Surrounded by such kind women, my insecurities melted away and I was myself. God is so kind that way. I became acquainted with some ladies I had heard of, but had never met. They were just as lovely as I expected they would be.
Leave it to Jill, a little girl from my bible study so long ago, now all grown up, to teach me that life is about what you put into it. Had I skipped out of the blessing of yesterday, I would never have known that the biggest gift of this season is "putting into life what I would love to get out of it."
And to me, that's the gift of real, genuine relationships. We were created for relationship. Lord, please help me not to shy away from relationships but to pursue them with a passion.