
i've never loved him more

Nothing touches my heart more than watching my sweet husband lead our son's baseball team and close friends in prayer.  I pray that his investment in their lives will have a huge payoff one of these days.  These are really amazing kids and they all have their own unique stories to tell.  God is continuing to write their story every day.  It's a blessing to be a small part of it.

Let the redeemed of the LORD share their story.
Psalm 107:2


  1. I agree with you Dawn! I never loved him more!

  2. seeing cute little Will standing back in the corner just makes it even more special. not only is the prayer time sweet in itself, but it is such a great example to the little guy. lets him see his daddy walk out faith in yet another way!!

  3. Love, love, love, love. I also love being a part of watching your whole family make a difference around here.
